Author: Joecalih

Kenyan commercial photographer and digital artist whose work focuses on themes of portraiture in African culture & modern Fashion

If you are using the blogger blog to blog let no one make fun of you by saying that you will not make it without migrating to WordPress. SEO is now fully compatible with a blogger’s blog so easily. Are you a pro and you want to make it to the search results so prominent, follow the Blogger Blog SEO Tips & Tricks Full Setup Tutorial and know how you will transform your blogger blog to become a decryption SEO website.Blogger blog SEO is mainly done by code which needs much more attention than WordPress, but this can be the…

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Google Web Fonts open up for developers to optimize their blogs with the best style of text. When the visitor visits your website, the browser loads the default web-safe fonts like Arial, etc. The developer adds the Google fonts the script reads font files from Google Fonts to make sure it displays the default coded font style. When the Google font loads, it replaces the default font with the Google font for those early few seconds,  of loading content it ruins the web design experience for your website, and annoys visitors. So you need to load Web fonts that appear…

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Blogging is spiced up by comments. Comments that are from unknown sources are the ones called anonymous comments. Blogger gives us the chance to allow unknown user comments in blogger blogs through settings. Commenting on a post changes the SEO of a post. When we allow all visitors to comment we give way for other viewers to review your post by reading comments from your traffic. It’s a vital setup for SEO.  Let’s learn how to allow anonymous comments in bloggers. There is a panel where bloggers give you to change the way users of your website relate to your…

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Blogger AMP is very vital for people who have news blogs and other blogs that would like to go on flash speed. To add AMP to Blogger is easy, as I well explained in the tutorial on How To Add AMP To Blogger now you can easily select the pages you would like to support AMP. Accelerated mobile pages help in ranking and so is when you apply to the correct pages. Today it will be more simple since we are going to create separate AMP Pages on the blogger website. If you don’t understand this is that, instead of…

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Recent post brings more traffic to your blog content by helping increase the click-through rate for your blogger blog. When you use recent post widgets for your blogger websites, they show the most recently updated posts from your archive and your traffic can be able to catch the latest posts through these recent post widgets. The recent posts have also image sliders for them to look more premium and display the best images for the viewer to choose over the moving stories in the recent post widgets. We have the best recent posts brought together for you to choose the…

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Many times, you come across search results without displaying a URL to a post. That’s what we call breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are now widely used by many websites as they increase search results. People have been asking me how I get the breadcrumbs in my templates. It’s not yet decided if breadcrumbs will add search engines’ SEO optimization apart from improving click-through rates. Breadcrumbs will encourage people to click on your post from others since it looks more premium with schema vocabulary-rich search results. Blogger implementation of schema markups is completely different compared to WordPress. As you know, WordPress is easy…

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When you open up a blogger blog, you will get the gadget attribution in layout settings. It’s a gadget that puts itself into place. Not every blogger will have the attribution of the website being powered by a blogger but it’s not bad to give the attribute after getting free hosting. To remove the Blogger Attribution gadget you have to customize some settings and at other times some code. How To Remove Powered By Blogger Attribution takes basic knowledge in using a blogger blog dashboard and lets us know how to go about it. Is It Illegal To Remove Powered…

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Blog design brings many wants from different blogging niches and now people prefer seeing the image before viewing the content thus this brings us down to the reason our blogger website images should float before blog posts. Today we will take a look at the ways to make images appear before your blogger blog post content through j query codes that should be integrated into the blogger website theme code. For that, let’s see how to integrate the code. How To Set the First Image Appear Before Blog Post In Blogger. Blogger Floating Image JQuery Code Integration Below are the…

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In this tutorial, we will get the page view stats widget that displays total website views, posts, and comments which may help bring potential advertisers. The blogger widget shows the full total amount of all posts, pages, and all URLs that are associated with your website. The widget has a responsive and clean look that will skyrocket the user interface of your blogger blog visitors. Let’s integrate the views Widget into your Blogger Website. How To Add Views Widget For Blogger 1: Go to Blogger Layout > Add a Gadget > Blog’s page views Stats and add the widget to…

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Email subscription widgets for Blogger will turn your readers into subscribers fast and easily. Have you added a blogger email subscription widget yet? You need to automate your readers to change them to your content marketing strategy through email marketing. Presently, thousands of bloggers are using the Feed Burner email subscription service, But as for me, I prefer MailChimp’s one-click subscription. This is an excellent way to increase traffic to your website by embedding a subscribe to newsletter widget that tells the visitor you have more to offer. When you let your readers subscribe to your blog, they will get…

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