Author: Joecalih

Kenyan commercial photographer and digital artist whose work focuses on themes of portraiture in African culture & modern Fashion

The way search engines interact with our website matters a lot and hence we need blogging tools to boost your website SEO.  No matter your niche of blogging, some tools are so paramount for better search results. Learn through the lines on the types of website blogging tools we are talking about and how to use them for better SEO. Make bookmarks, download applications and add browser extension tools that will be discussed for better optimization. Let’s jump into the SEO tutorial. 1. Plagiarism Checker Tool This is the number one tool. This is because you never know where your…

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Today’s Topic Is How To Solve Adsense Approval Rejected For Insufficient Content. It’s not a new term for those who have already applied for Adsense before and have not followed some essential steps before application. Adsense can reject your blog for various reasons, among which is insufficient content reason. What Adsense means when you get the message is they did not find your content worthy to get Ads on your template. For that reason, we have to follow some steps to customize our content in such a way that crawler robots and visitors will find pleasing. Without wasting more time,…

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Many big companies and websites have their social profile embedded under the organization logo or information in search results. The Social Profile Structured Data entitles the social links to the webpage handles in various social media platforms. The social profile is a good sign of a recognized website and can increase the click-through rate of your blogger blog. The structured data is formed in the Google proffered version of structured data to make sure your blogger blog is rendered and include the social profile structured data in testing. In this post, I am giving out the social profile schema code…

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One of the most versatile and stylish templates for your Blogger platform is what we cover today. The One UI Premium Blogger Template is your best choice. This theme is straightforward to customize, even without any coding knowledge. With built-in widgets and features that can benefit bloggers. Everything is adjustable from the layout section, making it user-friendly and highly accessible. One UI features a dark mode option, adding a modern touch to your blog. The homepage design has a card view for posts, and you can choose between list and grid view options to present your content most appealingly. The…

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The Median UI Blogger Template is a visually stunning and user-friendly option for bloggers. Are you looking to showcase their content professionally and stylishly? Built using the latest technologies, this Blogger Template template looks great, loads quickly, and adapts seamlessly to all devices. With its modern and minimalist layout, the Median UI template stands out. It features a unique design with a featured post section, a responsive menu, and a customizable sidebar, allowing bloggers to effectively highlight their social media profiles and other essential information. The median UI template has a clean look for integrating with the ready-made Ads. The…

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GNews is one of the perfect news blogging themes for your Blogger platform. For News publications, look no further than the GNews Premium Blogger Template. The first template used by CNBC resembles this theme in many ways. This theme is designed and optimized for speed, with enhanced UI design delivering a seamless user experience. Users use GNews not only as a News website but also as a gaming-supported website theme. This template is created with high versatility and is suitable for various niches. Newspaper organizations, technology blogs, or publishing sites can benefit from GNews. The template also suits freelancing portfolios,…

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“How to Add Back to Top Button in Blogger” is a question from everyone new to the Blogger platform as this animation helps create a better user experience. This widget animation is straightforward to implement in bloggers, as small changes need to be made to the code. Scroll-to-top or back-to-top buttons are most generally images or icons placed on the bottom of a webpage that has long content that has to scroll down for a long time to read. Let’s try to know how it works. Initially, the button will hide, when you scroll more than “100px”, a button will…

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Looking for a top-notch Blogger template tailored for anime and movie-related websites? The iMagz Premium Blogger Template is the perfect choice. Designed with the user in mind, this template is easy to customize directly from the layout section, requiring no coding knowledge. The iMagz template allows the users to choose between the list and grid view of the content displayed for enhanced convenience. This aspect makes the website friendly for mobile users and also reponsive to display and operate on any device. The site loads very fast thus allowing users to have a better experience. Imagz is lightweigh and since…

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You can permanently delete a blogger blog in Blogger with full backup or without backup to remove your hosted blogger files from Google Company Blogger Host. Learn below from the safe way to go by deleting your blogger website without jeopardizing your premium blogger template or full blog post content by ensuring complete backup from the simple ways shared in the post. Let’s start with How to back up your blogger blog website template and content, then how to permanently delete it and remove the URLs from the search engine. Steps To Permanently Delete A Blogger Blog 1. Choose your…

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This time around, we have in store for you this good-looking responsive weather widget that works well with all blogger templates. Blogger blogs now have the privilege of having WordPress-like looks. Now that every widget that is made in WordPress supports background, now we can implement them in blogger websites. The weather widget we are going to you is at its looks below. It’s a simple code implementation and will work well after the name of the town is added to the code. The Login widget is not automatically synced such as that of the apiin WordPress websites but it…

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