Author: Joecalih

Kenyan commercial photographer and digital artist whose work focuses on themes of portraiture in African culture & modern Fashion

Seorunk is to offer you all the digital marketing Ranking tools for free forever. So, if you love using our Keyword Research Tool, you may want to check out other awesome SEO tools as well. These tools are professional paid and free tools crafted to help out carry optimization practices. Use the tools to assist in website content creation and analysis of your website products on search engines. Earn more on networks like Google AdSense b using analytics tools and keyword generators together with pay-per-click checkers. There are ranking tools available for any social media or website platform to assist in both…

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Language Href tags communicate with search engines. They do this by specifying the correct language used in writing the articles. Webmaster, google search engines extension prefers using href tags in websites for their engines to specify the right recipient of the content by analyzing the language used. Let me take you to step by step in the ways you should follow to add the Href tags to your blogger template. How To Add the Href Language Tag to Blogger Step: 1Log in to Blogger and choose from your blog list the website you want to add language Href tags. Step:…

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SEO Is paramount for all websites. In blogger, SEO is not as easy as WordPress since in WordPress you only need a plugin. in that case, you need to use the code that utilizes the blogger’s blog information to feed Search Engine crawlers. Since WordPress has its plugin called all-in-one SEO, they also came up with the whole Blogger code and idea. All-in-one SEO performs all the needed SEO services needed for the Blogger website. You don’t have to employ SEO experts to work on your Blogspot blogger blog. There are various activities you need to carry out on your blogger…

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Sitelinks in search results of a website is a structured markup that shows how Google recommends a website for searching from a large number of content. Big well-known websites have their site links search box in the search results. Today I am going to take you over adding the site links search box for Blogger and WordPress to also wait to be indexed the same way by Google.Sitelinks search box is found on the lower part of search results meta descriptions that act as a search subset or a search engine to search for a story in a topic written…

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Getting your website to load faster is a requirement for SEO and that brings it down to having your jQuery Ajax code loading faster for better results. This time around, we are going to tackle the most effective way to make your Google Ajax jQuery code load at lightning speed. Here are several ways to improve the speed of AJAX and jQuery: This involves using JavaScript code to make the code load with bits and remove the functionalities that are not used at load time. Let’s see on the way on how to speed up the Google Ajax Jquery Code…

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I have been getting fairly a large number of questions regarding the Cookie Notification that appears on my Blogger blog website. In this post, we will discuss why it’s there, how to customize it for better viewing of the site, and how to disable the EU Cookies Notification Bar Feature in a blogger blog. Firstly, an online website cookie is a small piece of information that’s dispatched from a website you’re looking at to the net browser you’re utilizing. Each time you load the location, the browser sends the cookie again to the server with details about your browsing exercise.…

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Facebook like box may get your Facebook page likes boosted for social media marketing. In most cases, we use j query code to make the like pox popup in your blogger website load time. The widget works as shown in the demo screenshot below. Facebook is ranked number 2 in Alexa and shows that you can automate users to come to your blogger website. This Facebook Like Box Popup Widget For Bloggers comes to your aid and will help you increase your click-through rate and revenue generation. Follow the below steps to add it to your blogger website. How To…

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With Blogger you can specify customized header tags for pages of your Blogger blog. These custom robot tags define how search engines index your posts and pages. We begin by explaining what robots are after which proceed to header tags and robot header tags. Don`t search robots? They’re liable for recognizing the updates on our websites and notifying the various search engines about the identical. With the assistance of correct predefined tags, you’ll be able to talk with the crawlers to extend and reduce the search visibility. That’s what precisely you will learn on this put up. Robots Robots, such…

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Related posts help increase the click-through rate of a website. With the below-related post widget for your blogger blog website, you will be able to automate your revenue by providing your audience with other posts that have related content through labels and titles. We will take a look at how we will integrate the related posts under your post with thumbnails that have a good-looking scheme. Let’s jump into the tutorial on How To Add Related Post With Thumbnails For Blogger Websites. Steps To Add Related Posts to Blogger 1. log in to your website in blogger.com2. Click on Theme.3.…

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To avoid your posts from being stolen by test selection in blogger and pasting it to their websites, we use the code to make sure we block them to make work hard for them. To disable text selection in Blogger, we have to use some CSS functions that specify what will be selected and what will not in a post. We then choose all the fields that we have in our blogger blogs that we do not want people to steal content from. We also have javascript code to disable the text selection feature but it blocks all text including…

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