Author: Sem Deals

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What’s A Favicon?A Favicon is a trademark image that generally represents your website by branding it with the physical representation of the icon image example. Most responsive favicons are made in PNG formats and shoot be of fewer sizes but clear pixels.How To Add A Website Favicon In Browser Tabs.Depending on your website building platform then you can use any Between Blogger and WordPress platform to change your website favicon. Let’s start with WordPress and Go down to Blogger. 1. How To Set Up WordPress Icon In Browser Tabs WordPress favicons are easy to add since the option is always…

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This is a good idea to make some extra cash out of the thing that one likes to do or loves to do above all. The process is crucial in the context when one has a strategy about how he or she is going to approach website monetization. Sustained and attain your goals of having more cash by selling space on your website. With the surety of increase in income through different AD networks for example Google AdSense. Today we are going to discover the most appropriate way to monetize your website to earn. Steps to monetize your website: Website…

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Websites to enhance their presence on SERPs and make them easily recognizable by users of the Internet. It involves such steps as defining keywords, studying the data of search results, and preparing the material for work with the same. Today SEO defines the level of knowledge an SEO specialist should have. Optimization shows that an SEO specialist should be able to find out or at least determine some trends and patterns regarding the search engines. They should also be knowledgeable in HTML, CSS, and other web technologies. In addition, possessing knowledge in analytics optimization such as Google Analytics. These are…

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The main aim of blogging is to make money, when someone comes from nowhere and removes ads from your blogger blog by using adblocker in browsers, we implement add blockers to make their ad-blocking plugins not work on your blogger website. It’s easy to implement that, you will notice some increase in your revenue since most people using the internet prefer using adblockers and now on your website, they will have to see them since they will not be blocked. We use javascript code to make the plugin of Adblocker not work. It’s a plugin blogger code that is used…

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Faster-loading websites impress Search Engines. So before we waste more time explaining how good it is to optimize your blogger blog images by using blogger lazy load script. Let me break down how it works. It reduces the flow of page load by making images appear but load slowly as the entire blogger page loads with content. I imagine how fast your blogger blog post images will load when you have compressed them and used the lazy load script in your template. Superfast. After that make sure that you test your blogger’s blog speed and thank me later. Image Lazy…

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SEO Marketing means Search Engine Optimization to increase the amount of hits to the website. It is the promotion of a particular website in order to increase the number of visits. From users of a web search engine such as Google or Bing. All businesses should concern themselves with SEO because it makes it easier for users to locate websites. Mostly when they search for some keywords relevant to the sector. The search engine standings are influenced by the information content on the site. Physical layout and organization of the site and how other sites link to the given site.…

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Blogger post gets more traffic through sharing than even organic ones. The social media share widget makes it easy to share a post with the click of one button. It makes it better for users who visit your blogger blog to share your post with their friends. Today I have made for you the best-ever social media buttons widget that you can use before or below a post. The widget has a stylish, responsive, and premium look to transform your blogger blog for good. We will take time to add several codes to the CSS and HTML part of our…

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A sticky sidebar in a website is encouraged by every developer, SEO, and revenue-oriented blogger. Blogger websites need sticky blogger widgets that scroll with them as they read down the website post. A scrolling sidebar just uses jQuery code to keep it fixed during scrolling between the header wrapper and footer. The important ideology behind the making of a blogger’s right sidebar scroll with you is to encourage the click-through rate. I have implemented the idea to float my Adsense widget in my blogger sidebar as you scroll down. Let’s learn how to add the sticky fixed sidebar to the…

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Schema markups add better looks to how people find your content in Google. A better-optimized blogger post should include schema markups in search results to show how professional your posts are to increase the click-through rate. In search engines, crawlers look at every part of a markup to show the type of rich results in search results. Review schema markup adds stars to your blogger search results just below the heading and above the meta description. To add a review star rating in Blogger we have to add JSON-ld code or micro-data version of markup data. The best…

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The heart of every blogger is always aimed at how they will raise revenue using Adsense ads.  The question that every blogger has in mind after some time in blogging is how many posts should I have before I apply for AdSense ads? or what your website needs to have before applying for Ads. We will look at the various ways we can go about this before thinking of calling on Adsense Ads to our websites.  Make sure your website will have the detailed information expected by Google AdSense company before submitting your website. Let’s jump in. There are a…

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