Author: Sem Deals

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SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is defined as a standard protocol used to create secure communication between computers in a network. One commendable contribution is that its order assists in maintaining the essence and the security of messages transmitted between them. A web server and a client (e.g. a web browser) exchange data between them to create an SSL connection. Determine a shared secret key. It is used to encode the data that goes in between them and decode the data, received at the other end. It is widely used to secure connections to web servers. This can also be used…

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The meta description tells more about what to get in a URL. In Blogger, we use meta descriptions on the Homepage, Post pages, and Pages. Meta descriptions in all the areas that should support them are to be used dynamically to avoid duplicate meta descriptions. For the above reason, blogger has a simple meta description entry field embedded in the right sidebar of the post writing and page area. Today we are going to learn how to use the dynamic meta tags, well known as the meta description. Follow this post and get to add them to your Blogger website…

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