Website platforms are preferred for so many reasons and development of platforms. Advisable to build a blog for your life or business. As a beginner, it’s advisable to start with hosting, domain name, branding, themes, icons, and blogger integration. Starting up a blogger blog, proceed to greater heights using search engine optimization on a website as a brand. With the above-attached reasons, we will tackle how to start your first blogger blog website with success.

1. Hosting

You will need to have a server host your website files and themes. For this reason, if you set up your website in the Blogger platform from Google you are guaranteed secure and free hosting for you. This is a great advantage to a beginner blogger starting up the first Blogger blog. My website is hosted by bloggers too, you can also choose the best blogging platform like WordPress. To start over at this moment click the start button below to start your first blogger blog today.

Requirements needed to start your first hosted blog in Blogger are as indicated below points.
1. Google account.
2. Blogger Profile.
3. Name of the Domain.

From the above points, it’s evident that you only need to make accounts to start your free lifetime hosting package well suited for beginners.

2. Domain Name

The name you give to your website should be well-optimized according to the topic. I prefer having the most mentioned word from the content you will make appearances in the first part of the domain name and that will get you ranked for the right content niche. A good example is my website domain which comes from the words search engine optimization and my name Seoblur. The domain name length should be short enough to avoid long URLs that will decrease the SEO of your website.
There are thousands of domain name extensions also known as the top-level domain from .com, .org, UK, and others with country names. They all have meanings. The .org means organization website and others which you can research. Then we have the subdomain which you will set after buying your domain but if you stick with the free blogger domain you are all set.
Domains can be bought from domain name providers in their online platforms such as:-
1. Hostgator.
2. Godaddy

Blogger gives away a FREE domain with the .blogger .com name extension. To have a custom domain name, you will have to buy in  the websites above. 

3. Blogger Theme Template

The blogger templates are designed in a way that a blogger can choose the preferred custom theme to form the best, clean, responsive, simple, and elegant types which will have a great user experience for your blogger blog visitors. Choose the theme colors that suit your content and the CSS designs that will please your website, visitors.

This is the point where the branding section comes in in the making of the favicon PNG icon for your business with graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.  It’s a requirement so that people will remember to come back to the website with a specific icon.
With the above details, you can now start your blogger blog without problems. In case you may be interested in checking some of these ideas you can check my YouTube channel about making graphics icons for the favicon and head logo.

Follow the below steps to start a blogger blog today. Blogger has free hosting, domain name, SSL, and Mailing. Start Your Free blogger blog today and get help from us in all the beginner starter guides. Take note of the blogger policies and policies and freebies and act accordingly to start over as a professional blogger. Let’s Make our blogger websites now.

Starting A Blog on

To start A blogger blog you have to go to the blogger dashboard. Click The Below Button.

  1. You Will be Provided With Two dialog boxes to fill in the Name of Your Blog
  2. The second one chooses the URL of your blogger blog and checks its availability.
  3. That’s All Now look at various free blogger templates to use.
  4. Fill in the meta description in blogger settings to start over and mention what your blogger blog will be all about.
  5. Create a Contact Us and About Us page.
  6. Then now start to write your First post Post.
  7. Contact Me For Support.

Blogger Is Best For Blogs

If you are a blogger, such as a news blogger then the platform is the best resource for you. I don’t see the need for going to WordPress. Blogger supports many things that can help a blogger even get better. With free hosting, mail from Feedburner, and even an RSS feed which you never get in WordPress you can be able to automate more traffic than WordPress. The best part of the blogger is when you use labels then you will rank better for fewer labels than WordPress users who use categories. Believe me, every time you use Blogger, your post is indexed faster than WordPress, and as a blogger, it’s a very important advantage.

Fast indexing helps bloggers rank new emerging stories before others get to post them. is the best when it comes to automating traffic from social media since it has an automatic share to Google Plus and you can get free traffic from Google Plus immediately after posting your blog post.

Blogger Gets Indexed Faster

Did you know that whenever you open a blogger blog then it will take you just 24 hours to see your blog on Google? That’s a very good advantage, I consider that in WordPress it might take you more than 3 weeks to be ranked or indexed in Google. That’s a clear notification that blogger blogs are the best when it comes to blogging. Thanks to people who have done research well.

WordPress makes it easy to write better SEO-optimized posts but to be honest, blogger is the best of them all. Try writing in WordPress and select the best with the Yoast SEO and then paste the post into Blogger and you will notice what I am talking about. Google will trust its platform more than others. what I am saying is that it’s not like the blogger platform has no limitations, it’s just that for SEO I would prefer that you use the blogger than WordPress. Try Blogger and thank me later.

Blogger Offers Free Hosting

If you are a beginner and you want to make a blog under budget, then Blogger is the best platform for the rest. You will prove me right that some WordPress websites spend more than what they receive every day in ads. This is brought about by expensive services that they use and blogger gives them for free. I consider for every year’s budget, a WordPress website will cost you at least 60$ every year in hosting, and failed to a payment you will be offline for sure. That’s when now you have to consider for your blogger blog.

With Google servers, you can never expect to have any downtime on your website and the speed will always be the best. What a feeling to be hosted by a company that will rank you. Try out the free hosting from Google to enrich yourself through their ads on your blogger blog without using a lot of hosting.

Blogger Offers Free Mailing Services

We all know the purpose of mailing services in blogger. I am so glad to know because I use the mailing services which are unlimited in the number of emails that they will host for the mailing service.  Normally in many instances, Mailing services will cost you when you exceed the number of mail list numbers. In blogger, we have Feedburner which works out very well without getting back to writing how you want your mail to send. It has a beautiful UI that will increase click through the rate of the story and also increase traffic. To try the free mailing service I have highlighted, click on the button below, enter your blogger blog URL, and then burn the feed. If you don’t know the procedure, feel free to contact me for more.


Easy To Start And Run

To start a blogger blog you need nothing at all.  Thanks to the free domain, free SSL, and free hosting. Blogger is the only service that will not require you to pay back anything. The best part is that you can buy a custom and place it on your blogger blog in just one simple step. You get to be secured by blogger SSL from Google certificates. Normally this service will cost you more than 10$ yearly. All you need to do to start a blogger blog is just have a name and idea in mind about what you are going to blog about. In case you have trouble choosing a blogging category, then click on the below link.

Kenyan commercial photographer and digital artist whose work focuses on themes of portraiture in African culture & modern Fashion

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