Getting your website to load faster is a requirement for SEO and that brings it down to having your jQuery Ajax code loading faster for better results. This time around, we are going to tackle the most effective way to make your Google Ajax jQuery code load at lightning speed.

Here are several ways to improve the speed of AJAX and jQuery:

  1. Minimizes the size of the data
  2. Cache AJAX requests
  3. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  4. Use a faster framework (e.g. Axios instead of jQuery)
  5. Gzip the data
  6. Use Asynchronous Requests
  7. Avoid chaining too many Then () promises
  8. Optimize your code for better performance
  9. Reduce the number of DOM manipulations
  10. Use a performance monitoring tool to track and improve speed.

This involves using JavaScript code to make the code load with bits and remove the functionalities that are not used at load time. Let’s see on the way on how to speed up the Google Ajax Jquery Code below. Follow the below steps on how to find the Google jQuery code in your WordPress and blogger template and how to implement the speeding-up JavaScript code.

you have to visit the code view part of your platform. In you will always find the code by going to the theme template part of the platform viewing the HTML code and then pressing on control F to bring the find dialogue box.
For WordPress users, it determines the theme template that you are using since some will give a specific place to place to display the code of the theme template. You can feel free to use plugins that can help with this.

Optimizing Ajax Jquery

Find the below line of code in your template code. OR .

Note :
The version of the codes may be different depending on the functionalities needed in coding the theme jQuery. For this reason, you may need to only search for the front part of the link as shown below.


By finding the code in the above way, you can be sure to find it in every blogger template and some WordPress websites. The speeding-up script works with all versions of the jQuery script and hence you only need to do the below.
2. CUT and PASTE below script

 <script id=’script-batch’ type=’text/javascript’>
            var js = d.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); js.async = true; js.defer = true;
            js.src = &quot;;;

Adjust the code above with the 1.11.0 version of the jQuery Ajax code version format to resemble the previous version. Adjust the code to avoid using a different query version of the speeding-up script.

3. Visit Google Speed Insights and check the current speed of your template to identify the change. Click on the below link to visit the page.

Kenyan commercial photographer and digital artist whose work focuses on themes of portraiture in African culture & modern Fashion

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